Cabjoin Finance

Equipment Finance Solutions For The Cabinetry and Joinery Industry

The experienced team at Cabjoin Finance understands unique challenges and requirements of working in cabinetry and joinery. By offering a specialised service and tailoring financial options to meet the needs of your business, Cabjoin makes it easier to create a secure future. Whatever your business goals and objectives, we can customise a financial plan to loan, lease and acquire equipment needed to grow your business and maximise your success. Let our up-to-date knowledge of the latest industry trends and regulations, you receive the best possible advice to help you succeed in your business.

Cabjoin Meets Your Financial Needs

You will be satisfied with our flexible asset financing solutions, which are affordable and designed to meet the demands of your business. From upgrading your existing equipment to purchasing new machines or expanding your operations, Cabjoin searches for the ideal financial options and helps you move forward. Benefit from the know-how of professional finance staff and the network of over 45 lenders with connection to the cabinetry and joinery sector. With transparent communication, long-term relationships with clients are our priority, and we work tirelessly to streamline the process for you.

network of over 45 lenders

What We Do

Borrow from $10K - $2M

No Doc and Low Doc Loans

Non-Property Owners Accepted

No Deposit Options

Poor Credit History Solutions

New and Existing ABNS

The Right Tool For The Job

With Cabjoin Finance, state-of-the-art equipment is within your reach. Save time and hassle while investing in your business. Imagine what you could do with a bigger budget!

Finance For a New Edge Bander

By upgrading your edge bander, your productivity is increased. Newer energy-efficient edge banders have efficient results due to advanced technology, featuring faster operating speeds, and precision cuts. Complete more projects in a shorter amount of time, and with a consistent result. Use raw materials more efficiently, minimise scraps and save on the overall cost of materials. Your customers will be satisfied with smoother edges, aesthetic appeal and durability of your products.

Invest in a Precision CNC Machine

For consistently high-quality cabinets and furniture, a modern CNC machine makes all the difference. Stand out from the competition and create durable, excellent products. Save time by automating many of the repetitive tasks like cutting, carving and drilling, while benefiting from the reduced errors. Intricate designs and shapes are within your reach with a wide range of cutting tools and digital software. Get ahead of the curve and back your business for the long-term with a future-smart CNC.

Upgrade Your Panel Saw

By expanding your capabilities, you will be able to take on more complex projects with an advanced technology panel saw. Automatic blade height adjustment and digital displays make light work of the traditionally fussy elements of cutting accuracy. Stay competitive in the cabinetry and joinery marketplace, and take your craftmanship to the next level; a sustainable, strong business.


Arrange a Consultation with Cabjoin Finance
and Step Towards a Strong Future!